Episode II

Episode III

Episode IV

Episode V

Episode VI

Clone Wars




Star Wars Episode I:

The Phantom Menace


Movie Summary:

This movie shows Anakin Skywalker when he was a kid, when he befriends Obi-wan Kenobi, Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn. It also shows Senator Papatine start rising into power. It starts with the Trade Federation plotting to take over the planet Naboo. Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi go to the planet. On their way they find Queen Amidala, JarJar Binks, and Panaka.Darth Sideous  and Darth Maul send the Trade Federation to Naboo to take over the planet. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon take the Queen to  Tatooine for help, when they meet Anakin Skywalker, who has a lot of power for the Force. They can't buy the parts they need for their ship, so young Anakin ends up winnning a Pod Race to win the money for the part, and his own freedom. When they leave the planet Anakin promises his mom that he will come back to free her later.  Then they fly to Coruscant to see the Jedi Council about letting Obi-Wan become a Jedi Knight, and have Qui-Gon start training Anakin to be a jedi.  Then a war breaks out on the planet Naboo between the Gungan people and the droids of the Trade Federation, and Darth Maul fights against Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Darth Maul ends up killing Qui-Gon, and getting killed by Obi-Wan, while Anakin is in space and destroys the control ship for the droid army to give the Gungans a victory down below.  Then at the end there is a long celebration uniting the Naboo and the Gungan to live together piecefully. 

Characters in the Movie:

Amedda, Mas

Dod, Lott

Guo, Mars


Olié, Ric

Roose, Ark "Bumpy"

Taa, Orn Free

Vos, Quinlan

Amidala, Padmé

Dofine, Daultay

Haako, Rune

Koon, Plo

Pagalies, Teemto

Ryyder, Horox

Taria, Sei


Argente, Passel

Endocott, Ebe

Holdfast, Clegg

Koth, Eeth



Tarpals, Captain


Bar Gane, Edcel

Fode and Beed

Jabba the Hutt

Mak, Elan

Panaka, Captain

Sandage, Wan

Teers, Rep

Windu, Mace

Been, Rep

Fortuna, Bib

Jinn, Qui-Gon

Mandrell, Ody

Piell, Even


Tiin, Saesee


Bibble, Sio

Gallia, Adi


Maul, Darth

Poof, Yarael

Sidious, Darth



Billaba, Depa


Kee, Neva


Quadinaros, Ben

Sing, Aurra

Toora, Toonbuck


Binks, Jar Jar


Kenobi, Obi-Wan

Moe, Aks

Rancisis, Oppo

Skywalker, Anakin

Tyerell, Ratts


Bolt, Dud

Gunray, Nute


Nass, Boss

Roor, Boles

Skywalker, Shmi

Valorum, Supreme Chancellor Finis


Games on this Movie:

Star Wars Racer Revenge

Star Wars Starfighter

Star Wars Jedi Starfighter

Star Wars Battle For Naboo

Star Wars: Episode I Racer

Star Wars: Episode I Insider's Guide

Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace






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